Sunday, November 7, 2010

Order of Operations

B- brackets

E- exponents

D- division

M- multiplication

A- addition

S- subtraction

eg. 2+ 3 x 4= 1. So first you look if theirs brackets but theirs no brackets so you go to the next one.

2 + 3x4= 12 2. So now you look if theres a exponent but theirs none too so you just move on.

2 + 12 =12 3. Next you look for a multiplication or division their is multiplication so you do that one 3x4

4. Now you bring down 2 and + then you look if there is addition or subtraction theres addtion so you do that 12 +2 equals14.

thats how you do it.

here is a picture to show you.

now here is a video to show you.

Solutions to 3 questions

annie has been asked to calculate 1.7+6 divided by 2 answer is 3.85 do you agree? no because the answer is 4.7 so what she didn't do is 6 divided by 2 equals 3 then add 1.7= 4.7. 1.7+6 divided by 2=
1.7 + 6 divided by 2 = 3
1.7 + 3 = 4.7


Kamille817 said...

Hey, Karl! Nice job for that post you made there. Thanks because you has everything we needed there. The first letter of the first word on a sentence should be capital.
Good job, Karl. ~:D~

madeline816 said...

Hi Karl. Good job on you scribe. You should edit your scribe before you post it. Anyways good job!

beverly814 said...

Hey Karl, nice job on your srcibe post. You had everything that we needed to know. :)

aaron873 said...

hey karl, great job you have everything that we did, but you should edit before you post all of that its okay, but still good job. :)

steven711 said...

Hey Karl, good job for making a scribe post. You had everything that we did in class that day. The video was good and explained order of operations. Good job

levi711 said...

Heey Karl nice post man but you coud of put more detail but other wise it was great

Lance873 said...

hi karl i like your post it stands out and its colourful too!