Friday, November 5, 2010

Order of Operations

B- brackets
E- exponents
D- division
M- multiplication
A- addition
S- subtraction

First you have to see if you have any brackets on in you question, you should add them together.
Next see if you have any exponents in your question, you should also add them together.
Then see if you have any division or multiplication in your question, start from left to right, which ever one comes up first.
Next see if you have any addition or subtraction, you also start from left to right, which ever one comes first.


2x (4+8) ÷ 2-1 =
\ /
2x 12 ÷ 2-1=
\ /
24 ÷ 2-1 =
\ /
12 -1 =

Here is a video to help you more on BEDMAS.

Here is link to help you

Homework :

1. Annie has asked to calculate 1.7 + 6 ÷ 2. She claims the answer is 3.85. Do you agree? Explain why or why not.

1.7 + 3 = 4.7

2. Put brackets in the following expression to get the largest value possible. What problem strategy did you use?

3 x (2.8) + (6.4 ÷ 4) = 10

3. Create a problem that could be solved using the following expression.

(2.5) + 1.25 + 5 x (1.6) = 11.75


Kamille817 said...

Hey. Bev! Good job on making a scribe-post, it really reminds on what we did today. For the homework, you might want to explain how you got the answers. Anyway, thanks a lot

aaron873 said...

hey beverly. thanks a lot. this really helped me and you did exactly what Mr.Isfeld told you to, and you also did the work for the page thanks. :)

Anonymous said...

I understand the order of operations. I like your picture it's telling that addition and subtraction are brothers.Division and multiplication are sisters.I understand how you used the order of operations in the question.

kassey814 said...

you did a great job with your scribe post but maybe next time you can explain more.

jamodin 816 said...

Thanks for the scribe beverly. It really helped and nice picture and video that you got. Great job!

Sarah7-11 said...

Hey beverly I really liked your scribe post, But I think, for the homework, you should put how you got the answer. Thanks :D

madeline816 said...

Good job on the scribe post, Beverly. Next time put how you got the answer.

hannah816 said...

Hi Beverely. Great scribe post! You should add colors to your words. Don't forget to show your thinking. Good job!

serena 814 said...

Hi Beverly, awesome scribe post! The link helped me to have a better understanding. For the homework question #2, I think that you should put the brackets here:
3 x (2.8 + 6.4 ÷ 4) =
3 x (2.8 + 1.6) =
3 x 4.4 =
= 13.2
13.2 is bigger than 10

Cindy814 said...

Hi Beverly,I like your picture saying that Addition and Subtraction are like brothers, and Multiplication and Division are like sisters.For question #3,I thiink you need to make a "word" question with the expression.

abby873 said...

heey beverley. I really liked your scribepost and it really had detail and it really helped me that you added more information. and make sure you show your thinking to get more detail. but anywaays. goodjob!