Saturday, November 6, 2010


what we did today was we did a thing called BEDMASS and what the B stands for is brackets for e.g (2+2), and for E it means exponets for e.g 2 squared, D means division for e.g 4 divide 4 or 4/4, M means multiplacation for e.g 2x3, A means addition for e.g 2+3, S means substaction for e.g 10-10.


Diana814 said...

Hey Kristan.I think you did a ok job.I like it how you put a video on and you showed the BEDMAS but next time I think you should make it more clear to the people who are reading it.Also I think you should put the rules down and examples. You also forgot to do the h.w. I think that you should put a game or a picture on. Here is a link to a game

jamodin 816 said...

Good job on your post kristan but its bedmas not bedmass. You also could have put a picture and a link.

Kamille817 said...

Hi Kristan! Good job for making a scribe post. Re-read your paragraph, because you made some mistake there like: what needs to be uppercase (W must be capital because it's the beginning of a sentence), it's called BEDMAS not bedmass. Try putting an image.
Thanks ~:D~

beverly814 said...

Hey Kristan, good job on your scribe post.I think you should add more to your post because you forgot to add some things to make it better. You read over on what you put o your post. You should also add an image or a link. :)

Danilyn8-73 said...

Hi Kristan, could you organize your post a little and bring more details?
Good job.

aaron873 said...
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Jason 8-73 said...

Hey Kristan. Liked your scribe you should of put the homework that Mr.Isfeld gave us.

Jason 8-73 said...

Hey Kristan. Liked your scribe you should of put the homework that Mr.Isfeld gave us.