Sunday, November 7, 2010

order of operation

Order Of Operation
When you are working with order of operation you have to know:

B-brackets so if there are bracket around a question you do that first.
E-exponents then you have do exponents next.
D-division after you have to look for division or multiplication which ever one comes first 
A-addition finally you have to look for addition or subtraction which ever one comes first.

Solutions to 3 Questions:

  1. Annie has been asked to calculate 1.7+6 divided by 2.She claims the answer is 3.85.Do you agree?  i don't agree because if you use BEDMAS you would divided the answer first 6 divided by 2= 3 + 1.7 =4.7 
  2. Put brackets in the following expression to get the largest value as possible.What problem solving did you use?     3x(2.8)+(6.4)divided by 4=10.9
  3. Create a problem that could be solved using the following expression. (2.5+1.25)+(5x1.6)=14

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