Saturday, November 6, 2010

Order of Operations

B- brackets ~ ( )

E- exponents ~ 3²
D- division ~ ÷
M- multiplication ~ x
A- addition ~ +
S- subtraction ~ -

e.g: the picture above

1. Annie has been asked to calculate 1.7 + 6 ÷ 2. She claims the answer is 3.85. Do you agree? Explain why or why not.

No, I do not agree with Annie's answer. Annie probably did 1.7 + 6 = 7.7 ÷ 2 = 3.85, but her answer is right. Annie should have done 1.7 + (6 ÷ 2), which is 1.7 + 3 = 4.7

2. Put brackets in the following expression to get the largest value possible; 3 × 2.8 + 6.4 ÷ 4. What problem solving strategy did you use?

3 × 2.8 + 6.4 ÷ 4 =

(3 × 2.8) + (6.4 ÷ 4) =

8.4 + 1.6 =

= 10

3. Create a problem that could be solved using the following expression.

2.5 + 1.25 + 5 x 1.6


Anna and Jake calculated 2.5 + 1.25 + 5 x 1.6. Anna got 14, and Jake got 11.75. How do you think they got their answer? Who has the right answer?

Answer(my answer):

I think that Anna did the question like this:

2.5 + 1.25 + 5 x 1.6 = 14

I think that Jake did this:

(2.5 + 1.25) + (5 x 1.6) =

3.75 + 8 =


Jake added brackets so that he can make it easier.

What's your answer?


Here is a link for you to practice, Order of Operations.

Also here is a video:


jamodin 816 said...

Good job with your post madeline. You explained everthing great and it really helped.

Cindy814 said...

Madeline,I like your scribe post because you made the words colorful so it stands out.I suggest you to check your scribe post before you post it,because there are weird codes that are very distractive when people are reading.

Kamille817 said...
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Kamille817 said...

Hey Madeline! Nice Scribe post. You had everything we need there. When you're changing the color , try a darker one so that it is easy for us to read. Thanks

Sarah7-11 said...

Hey Madeline! Nice Scribe Post. You had everything we did in class. Your Scribe Post is so colorful, but I suggest that you should use darker colors so it's easier to read, and there are some weird codes on your scribe post. I suggest that you double check your scribe post before you post it. You still did a great job. Thanks! :D

beverly814 said...

Nice job Madeline! You explained everything we needed to know and exactly what mr.Isfeld did in class with us. I think you should use darker colors to stand out more. :)

ronalen 8-14 said...

hi madeline. great job on your scribe you had all the things we did in class ;)

Danilyn8-73 said...

Great Job Madeline!
It showed everything we did in class. Also I really like your picture and how you divided your subjects by color!

hannah816 said...

Hi Madeline. Great scribe post! I like how your words are so colorful. But you should have shown the steps on how to do "bedmas," good job though!

irena814 said...

Hi Madeline! Great work on your scribe post! I liked how you put the symbols beside B.E.D.M.A.S, it really shows what they mean! I really like your problem for question number 3. I liked how you explained their thinking. Awesome work Madeline.

serena 814 said...

Hi Madeline, I like you question for the homework question #3. And when you asked what's our answer, I thought I was a great idea. So here is my answer for your question.
2.5 + 1.25 + 5 x 1.6 =
2.5 + 1.25 + 8 =
3.75 + 8 =
= 11.75

karl817 said...

good scribe post madeline you had everything on it.