Sunday, November 7, 2010

Order of Operation

1) First thing you do is, check if there are any brackets.
2) If there are no brackets, check if there are any exponents if not,
3) C
heck if there are any division or multiplication. if so, you start from left to right,
4) Then, you check if there are any addition or subtraction. Remember you must start from left, then to right.

This is one of the examples we did on Friday.


Next, you have to solve the questions in the brackets.



Remember to always use B.E.D.M.A.S! You need to solve the exponents before addition or subtraction!


The answer is...13

What do I think Annie did?
I think that Annie didn't use B.E.D.M.A.S, and so, she got it wrong! What she did was, she added 1.7 and 6 together! And then she divided that answer by 2! Giving her 3.85!

Which means, I don't agree with her. You are suppose to solve the multiplication or division questions before, addition or subtraction!

This is how you're suppose to do it...

1.7+ 6 divided by 2
1.7 + 3 = 4.7

Where I put the brackets
What I did was put the brackets after the 3 and after the 4.
3(2.8 + 6.4 divided by 4) =

What I did...
First solve the equation in the brackets, division first. Now you'll get this...
3(2.8 + 1.6) =
Now you can do the addition in the brackets and then open up the brackets.
3 x 4.4 = 13.2!

My problem...
Alice needs to buy groceries for her mom. She needs to buy a pack of carrots, a loaf of bread and 5 oranges. A pack of carrots is $2.50, a loaf of bread is $1.25 and 1 orange is $1.60. How much money would she need?

How I solved it...
$2.5 + $1.25 + 5 x $1.6 =
$2.5 + $1.25 + $8 =
$3.75 + $8 =
The answer is $11.75!

Here's a video to help you learn more about Order of Operation
Here's a link to help you learn more about Order of Operation


serena 814 said...

Hi Irena, I really really like your scribe post! I especially like your video, i think I chose the same video for my scribe post! I also like your word problem for the homework question #3. I like the fact that you answered your own question. But next time I think you should make the font a little bigger, it is hard to see.
Great scribe post!

ronalen 8-14 said...

hi irena I really like the way your blog looks with all the colour great job;)

steven711 said...

Hey Irena. I really liked you scribe. The subtitles made it easy to read and I liked how you explained what the answer was on our home work questions.

karl817 said...

nice scribe post irena you had everything on your post good job.

abby873 said...

heey irena! I really like your scribepost you had lots of detail and it helped me alot! you made it easy for us to read the questions and its really organized. I have nothing to see but it was really great! goodjob (:

randolph814 said...

Hey Irena, your scribe post is AWESOME! And I really like and GOOD JOB!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

levi711 said...

Heey i like your post alot it was very good thanks your post was very organized good job

Lance873 said...

I like your post irena the colours make it really cool!

Kamille817 said...

Hey, Irena! I like your scribe-post, it's really organize and it's easy for us to read. I love that you had those colorful subtitles. You sure did a good job on answering all of the questions for our homework. Anyway, good job and thanks. ~:D~