Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Dividing decimals using estimation

today in class we were talking about using estimation to devide decimals.

we did a question like this

for your class party you have to bring cup cakes. Cup cakes cost 30 cents each. Is ten dollars enough to buy 1 cup cake per person in your class? estimate then calculate.

how you answer the question is that u round the 30 cents either up or down to a friendly number with 10.

10.00 divided by 0.50=20

10.00 divided by 0.25=40

so the answer is between th numbers 20 and 40

when u calculate it you get

10.00 divided by 0.30=33

that would not be enough for our class

the next thing we did was we did another question like this

you and 3 of your friends buy a 1.36 liter jug of juice the 4 of u share the juice evenly. how much did each person get?

how u answer this one is the same. round the 1.36 to a number friendly with 4

1.60 divided by 4=0.4

1.20 divided by 4=0.3

so the answer is between 0.4 and 0.3

when u calculate u get 0.34 per person.

for the next question we used hundereds grids that look like these

how many small bottles of water (0.295L) will fit into a big bottle of water (1.89L)

u change 1.89 to 1.80 and 0.295 to 0.3
so 1.80 divided by 0.3= 0.6
the answer would be about 6 small bottles of water would fit in a big bottle of water
if u calculate th answer would be 6.4

For home work we had to do a and b of a question. estimate

a) 40.5 divided by 5=8.1
u change 40.5 to 40 and then divide by 5
40 divided by 5=8
the real answer is 8.1

b) 57.9 divided by 3=19.3
u change 57.9 to 60 then divide by 3
60 divided by 3=20
the real answer is 19.3

here is a link that can help u divide decimals


thank u for looking at the blog and commenting :)


Cindy814 said...

Hi,I liked your post,it reminds me of what we did in class today.I think it could improve if you draw a picture of a ratio chart,because that is part of what we did today. (Seems like I am the first one to comment!)

Lance873 said...

hey i liked your scribepost it reminded me of what we did today it would help if you put this video on http://www.youtube.com

jamodin 816 said...

Hi. I like your post and it was like what we did today. You forgot that we did a ratio chart but that is okay.

Anonymous said...

thanks ronalen you did great i really like what you did when you said "for HOMEWORK we had to do a and b of a question. thanks again ronalen bye. :)

Joshuarego814 said...

This is a good scribepost ronalen!
I think you could have used more explaination because I didn't get
the homework question b)

beverly814 said...

Hey. Ronalen you did a great job, you really explained all the things we did in class today. I really liked how you explained every detail perfectly so everyone can understand. Thanks Ronalen! :)

kassey814 said...

hi little buddy you did a good job explaining what we did in math but next time find a different picture instead of a 100 chart overall you did a good job.

Diana814 said...

Hey Ronalen. You made it easier for me to remember. Next time I think you should put a video on to. I also didnt know how to do the h.w for b) but then when I look at yours it made more sense for me. Thanks Ronalen.:)

aaron873 said...

Hi Ronalen! This really helped me alot. I didnt really get the homework assigment, but right know i do. Everything was great, but i guess you have forgot the ratio table, but still it was still fine. Thanks Ronalen. :)

philip7 said...

nice scribe ron!!! this helped me alot

Sompong8-17 said...

Hey, Ronalen! Everything is so detailed and you really made sure you got everything in. The one thing you should've remembered was your spelling, you put "u" instead of "you". Other than that, good job! :)

Kamille817 said...

Thanks a lot, Ronalen! It sure did help us reminds all the things we did in math. I would suggest to Spell Check, because you made a couple mistakes like--(today in class we were talking about using estimation to *devide* decimals). Anyways, Thanks again and Good Job!

Anonymous said...

I liked the part where you explained how to round 1.36 to a number, friendly with four. Your blog really helped me, how to divide with decimals.

hannah816 said...

hey Ronalen. Thanks for reminding me what we did in math today. Make sure you spell your words correct, for instance you misspelled divide, you put "devide" and another thing is you put "u" instead of "you" but good job ! This really helped me on homework.

Michael711 said...

Hey, I liked your scribe post, it described everything we did in class today, but I find if kind of dull. You could add some sub-titles and maybe some color.

melody711 said...

Good job Ronalen i like that you added a LINK and a picture but maybe you can change the coulor and make it BOLD but still good job

Danilyn8-73 said...

Good job remember: Capitalize the first letter in a sentence. Aside to that you did a wonderful job.

abby873 said...

heeey ronalen (: well goodjob on your post you really made me remind of what I missed at math today when I was at the gym (: oh and I liked the part when you explained how you rounded off 1.36 to a friendly number so that really helped me. so goodjob and keep it up!

Jason 8-73 said...

Hi. I liked that you put everything we did. Something you could of used in your scribe post is this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcOOYtiGQJk
(I was first last time and now im about last lol)

Sarah7-11 said...

Great job Ronalen, I really liked your scribe post. You explained what we did in class today. It really refreshed my mind about what we did today. I think you should change the font color when you write down the answer, so people will know that it's the answer, and instead of putting "u", you should put "you". Good job Ronalen. :D

steven711 said...

nice job but add a video next time it would help and u for got the ratio chart but other than that good job :P =)

madeline816 said...

Hi, awesome post! You forgot about the ratio chart learned about.You should add this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEHbLRHxQpE&NR=1 or this one http://www.youtube.com
/watch?v=dcOOYtiGQJk for another explanation.

randolph814 said...

Good Job. And I like your scribe post and you added a picture about used hundreds grids. Good Job AGAIN Ronalen!!!!!! :-)

serena 814 said...

Ronalen, I liked how you showed your thinking on the homework questions. It really explained to me how you got the answer. You should add these links: http://www.ixl.com/math/practice/grade-7-estimate-sums-differences-and-products-of-decimals
(Next time I think you should use spell check and re-read what you wrote before publishing it.)
Thank-you for making the scribe post!

irena814 said...

Hi Ronalen, great work on the scribe post! I really liked how you explained the work step by step. I also liked how you explained your thinking on the homework questions. Next time I think you should use spell check and remember to edit your work before you publish it. There were some errors like, instead of 'you', you put 'u', and always remember the first letter of a sentence needs to be a capital. Thanks! Great work Ronalen!

Mr. Isfeld said...

All comments prior have been recorded for marks.