Note: the arrow explains to you that the lines are parallel on the diagram that's shown.
Base - a side of a closed 2 dimensional figure.
- common symbol is B.

Height - the perpendicular distance from the base to the opposite side.
- common symbol is h.

Area of a parallelogram
Base x Height ( bxh )

b- 6cm b x h = area of parallelogram
h- 4cm 6x4 = 24cm²

= area of parallelogram
= b x h
10 x 3 = 30cm²

area of a parallelogram
b x h =
2x4=8 m²
Here is a link to help you more about Parallelograms.
Here is a video to help you learn more about Parallelograms.
Hey Abigail, I love your scribe-post. You had everything that we did in class today and you put everything that we needed to know about Parallelograms. I liked how your pictures explained what we had to know. GOOD JOB :)
Hey Abby! Good job on your scribe post. It's really well organize. It made me understand more about Base x Height. I love the video, it's funny.
Here is another video to help us more:
Hey Abby I like you scribe post it explains everything about parallelograms here is a video that will help http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVFwRA7kcLY
Abby,your blog was great(although it's a little late)!I like your pictures,it reminds me of what we did in class today.Your blog was good,so I don't have any suggestion. But I will give you this website that you can use
This is a good website because you solve problems.Good job Abby!
Hey Abby, good job on your scribe post! It had everything we did in class. I liked how the images explained what each topic was, the video was awesome!
Hi Abby, awesome job on the scribe post! The explanation was perfectly clear. I liked how you used pictures with your words explaining the steps. And the video was really helpful and funny! Great work!
I know you already have a video but here's one explaining more about finding the area of a parallelogram.
Hi Abby! Great scribe post! Everything was easy to understand. I like how you added the images. The video helped and it was pretty funny! here is another video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVFwRA7kcLY . Also, here is another link that may help, http://www.mathgoodies.com/lessons/vol1/area_parallelogram.html . Good Job!
Hi Abby! I think your scribe post is awesome! I like the way you explained how to find an area of a parallelogram. It was easy to understand. I also liked the video you added. But to make your scribe post even better here is another video I think you should add.
Hey Abigail! Good Job on your scribe post! :)
hey abby great job on your scribe post. i really like the way you explained how to find the area of a paralellogram. it helped me under stand it better. you did a great job :)
hey abby great job! your scribe post was super awesome. everything was great and it was easily to understand. I also like the pictures that you put and the video. it also looks so simple the way you did it it. also it helped me to undrerstand how the base and the height works. Thanks Abby and Great Job
PS Nice Colour and well organized :)
Hey abee,
I loved your video it was awesome. great job everything was organized and explained well.
Hi Abigail, I like your pictures and your video but next time could you do post it faster? ;o
Hi Abigail. You did a great job with you post. I like it how you made it easy to read. Also I really like the video that you put. But I think you should post it a little bit earlier.(even though I didnt get to comment because of my keyboard.:(. Great Job!
Hey Abby! Nice scribe post, you got everything we did in math. The picture are good but the video is a little weird. Iguess the video was good and little funny because it was a song. Also i couldn't get to the link. This video is a little better Abby.
Heyy abee your post iS to great to say that there's anything wrong so great JOB ! ! :)
Hi Abigail. Your scribe-post really helped me on how to find out the area of a parallelogram. I really like the video, I thought it was funny. I like the pictures, because it shows what a parallelogram looks like.
Hi, Abby! Your scribe post is really helpful, i understand it much more. Parallelograms are easier for me now, thanks a lot. Good job! :)
Hi Abby! Good job on your scribe post. It's really organized. It made me understand more about Base x Height. I love the video, it's really funny, but I think this video would help. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLZd1MD9kaw&playnext=1&list=PLC7918E31982BB7A9&index=37
Good job Abby!
hey Abby! great job on your post. it's really neat. I really understandmore about base x height. I love the video It was funny.
P.S next time can you do it faster thanks.
but great job! :)
Hey Abee. I liked this post cause all the colours made it satnd out and you explained everthing we did in class.
Hey Abby. Liked your scribe.It helped alot . Thanks.
Hi Abby. You did a good job! Your scribe is very organized. I also think that the video is great to. Good Job.
Hi Abigail, nice scribe-post and I really like it also I really like is the color letters! :-)
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