Sunday, November 7, 2010

Order of operations


Here are some examples;
2+4÷2x6= 6-2÷2=
2+2x6 = 6-1 =
2+12 = 5 =
14 =

Here is a video to help you.


For our home work,
we had to do some problems;

1. Q. Annie has been asked to calculate 1.7 + 6 ÷ 2. She claims the
answer is 3.85. Do you agree? Explain why or why not.
1. A. I do not agree. Because if the question is 1.7+6÷2, you would have to divide first, heres how it would look if you did; 1.7 + 6 ÷ 2 =
1.7 + 4 =
5.7 =

2. Q. Put brackets in the following expression to get the largest value
possible. What problem solving strategy did you use?
(3 × 2.8) + 6.4 ÷ 4. I used order of operations to solve the problem.
2. A. Red= Answer

3. Q. Create a problem that could be solved using the following
2.5 + 1.25 + 5 × 1.6
3. A. How much money will I need if I need to buy an Apple pie[$2.5], Bottle of coke[$1.25], and 5 chocolate bars[$1.6 ea.]?


Michael711 said...

Can someone please tell me why my color won't show up when I publish my post?

Kamille817 said...

Hey Michael! Good job for making a scribe post. You had everything we needed.You could also put the steps for bedmas. Anyways, thanks you. ~:D~

beverly814 said...

Good job on your scribe post Michael. You really had everything that we needed to know. :)

ronalen 8-14 said...

hi michael. nice job on your scribe I really like how you explained our home work good job;)

steven711 said...

good job Michael your blog was good. it looks a little dull so you should add some color

karl817 said...

good job michael nice scribe post you gave a good example.

serena 814 said...

Hi Michael, Great job on your scribe post! But for the homework question #2, I think you should put the brackets between the x and the 2 and between the 4 and the =. Giving you the answer 13.2 which i think is the largest value possible.
Great Job Micheal!

irena814 said...
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irena814 said...

Hi Michael, great work on the scribe post! On question #1, the answer is suppose to be 4.7, not 5.7. Because, you have to solve the division question first, so, it would be 3. Then you have to add 1.7 and 3 together, and that'll give you 4.7, not 5.7. Next time you should add a link, so here's one you may like,
P.S my colour didn't show up on my scribe post when i published it either, so I'd just coloured all of the subtitles and anything I wanted coloured, on to paint and uploaded them on to my scribe post! Great work again Michael!

randolph814 said...

I really like your post!!!!!!!!!! :-)

Joshuarego814 said...

Your scribe is good no actually its not good at all ... IT'S GREAT! so much .. ah forget it im getting to dramatic. Good post um i don't know why your colour won't show up!

Lance873 said...

nice job on the post michael it really helps but i dont know why your colours wont show up sorry