Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Patterns and Expressions Definition

Patterns are arrangements of shapes, colors, numbers, letters, words, and etc. for which you can predict which comes next.

Variable - a letter that represents an unknown number.
eg : x, A, n

Expressions - any single number or variable, or combination of operations ( +, -, x, / ) involving numbers. eg : 5, r, 8t, x+9, 2y, -7

Value - a known or calculated amount

Constant - a number that does not change. Increase or decrease that value of an expression.

Numerical Coefficient - a number that multiples the variable

Linear Relation - a pattern made by two sets of numbers that results in points along a straight line on a coordinate grid
eg :

Graph - a visual way to show how two sets of numbers relate to each other

Relationship - a pattern formed by two sets of numbers

Math game on graphing linear relations

Video :

Patterns And Expressions

Patterns- Are arrangements of shapes, colours, letters, numbers, etc. For which you can predict what comes next

Constant- A number that does not change. Increases or decreases the value of the expression no matter what the value of the variable
Example: 2x+4, 4 is the constant

Variable- A letter that represents an unknown number
Example: 2x+4, x is the variable

Numerical Coefficient- A number that multiplies the variable
Example: 2x+4, 2 is the numerical coefficient

Expression- Any single number or variable, or a combination of operations involving numbers and variables
Example: 2y-7, 11x, and 14 are expressions

Equation- Mathematical statement with two expressions that have the same value
Example: x+2=3, y-7=(-4)

Value- A known or calculated amount

Linear Relation- A pattern made by two sets of numbers that results in points along a straight line on a coordinate grid

Graph- A visual way to show how two sets of numbers relate to each other

Relationship- A pattern formed by two sets of numbers

Monday, May 30, 2011

Patterns and Expressions

For example, in 3y + 2= 14. The 2 is the constant

For example, in 3y + 2= 14. The 3 is the numerical coefficient

Here's a video and a link to help you learn more about Patterns and Expressions.

Patterns and Expressions

Patterns- are arrangements of shapes, colors, numbers, letters, words, and so on. For which you can predict what comes next.

Variable- A letter that represents an unknown number

Expression- Any single number or variable, or a combination of operation involving numbers and variables.

Value- A known or calculated amount
Constant- A number that does not change increases or decreases the value of the expression no matter what the value of the variable. 

Numerical Coefficient- A number that multiplies the variable.


Let the variable C represent the unknown number of counters in the cup shown in the diagram. What is an expression for the total number of counters shown?

Use cups and and counters to model the expression 3x + 3

Evaluate:  3x + 2 when
☺x = 3
☺x = 4

Other examples;

Online games to help YOU!


Pattern and Expressions Definitions

3y - 5 = (the 5 is the constant)

3y + 4= (the 3 is the numerical coefficient)

3y x 2 = (the y is the variable)

3y (the 3y is the expression)

Here is a video on Linear Relation:

Number of the Day

1. Divide the number by two.

2. Expanded Form. (Eg. 1000+200+30+4+0.5+0.06+0.007+1234.567

3.Write the number in words. (Eg. One thousand, two hundred, thirty-four and five hundred sixty-seven thousandths)

4.Round to the nearest hundred. (01234 the hundred stays, 56789 it goes up)

5.What digit is in the tenths place. (For this, it's important to know your place value

6. Double the number. (x2)

7. Find the Circumference. (use the formula: C=2(pi)r)

8. Make a power. ( n*: n is the base, the star is the exponent)

9. Make the power in factored form (the power you did for #8). (Eg. 4x4x4x4x4=1240)

10. Cube the in the ones place. (n*: n is the digit in the ones place, the star is the exponent for cube)

11. Square the in the hundreds place. (n*: n is the digit in the hundreds place, the star is the exponent for squared)

12. Use calculator and round to the nearest hundredth.

13. The product of all the digit. (1x2x3x4x5x6x7=5040. If there is a zero in the number the product is 0)

14. Prime Numbers in the Number of the Day. (Numbers with 2 factors, one and its self)

15. Find the area. (Use the formula: A=(pi)r(squared))

16. Use the divisibility rules.

17. Find the prime factors.

18. Use integer notes.

19. Use subtracting integer notes.

20. Create a fraction.

21. Create an improper fraction.

22. Create a mixed fraction.

23. Convert into a decimal.

24. Create a picture for #21.

25.Convert answer to #21 into a percent.